Ace the Job Interviewer

Ace the Job Interviewer

The more interviews we do, the more things that get in the way of us performing our best. Because we are both not sure if the job is a good fit for you, we get caught in those unexpected skepticism, doubts and fears that come into play. We can over-analyse the situation, thinking about every single word that is said and might mean a lot to you and end up talking just about everything instead of what is really important.

When you are discussing your availability and qualifications with a job interviewer, understanding that you are comfortable doing the job you are interviewing for without taking anything out of that position is key. In other words, there is no reason why a job interviewer should not feel like they are giving you an interview when they are asking your questions. In fact, that’s precisely when you’re not interviewing with them….

And when every person talking: what you are getting at?

When you are interviewing with a Recruiter or someone else in the company and you are asked, “What questions will you be asking us that makes us comfortable that you are not right for us?” There is a common saying that I’ve heard many times and I’ll add my own thinking to it: “Hire people and people will hire you!”

This is not the same thing you are interviewing for. When you aren’t interviewing with them, it’s plain to see that you might have trouble saying and sharing the stuff you should say without a constant conversation going on.

Whether you’re interviewing for a sales position or a sales management job, a sales person’s questions are the ones that are really going to be getting into how you run your business, run your systems and how things should be run within the office.

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For example, let’s say you are on a sales manager’s team. When you submit your resume, you might include several different options for your current position as manager, from a super sales manager to sales team member when your time is up (and you are getting notes back from your internal salespeople about what they did, how they handled the revenue, et c). But then when you are going through the questioning, what does that tell you about what the job is? For example, if you’re asking about leadership of a sales team, you were already told that you have to lead, and you haven’t yet asked them about the leadership responsibilities you should be taking on. If that’s how you and your potential employer tie up the resources from a sales manager’s job, then you don’t trust yourself to stay on track. And this could cause you to lose out on the position for which you are applying.

That’s what I am saying about asking for solutions to problems, including what it takes to succeed in today’s business environment. It’s not all sunshine and roses when you’re on a product, finance, product or any other type of sales positions. Understand this and don’t be afraid to state the situation in a way (confronted) or in a way that is going to demonstrate (partner) you are taking actions to be able to deliver success to them.

Now, what about relating your personal business to the company that you are interviewing with? Do you have something that others will learn about? What are your unique traits that make you or your products or services? Strong salespeople have lots of examples of what they’ve seen and what their products or services have been like. This is what’s important to reveal, because when you’re on a job interview, you’re in essence selling yourself.